Posted by: Missouri Eye Institute in Blog on March 3, 2023
Before getting any type of refractive eye surgery, you must first qualify as a candidate for the procedure. LASIK remains one of the best ways to correct vision and has excellent results, partly because it is only performed on eligible candidates.
Eye doctors work hard to ensure the results from LASIK will be predictable, and the operation will be safe. The best way to ensure this is to visit your eye doctor for a LASIK consultation to confirm you are a candidate.
You can schedule your LASIK consultation at Missouri Eye Institute in Springfield, Missouri, to find out if you are a good candidate for LASIK. During the consultation, your LASIK surgeon will perform tests and ask you about your medical history.
Keep reading to learn a few things that may not make someone a good LASIK candidate!
People that are under eighteen are not good candidates for LASIK. As you mature physically, your vision can change a lot.
Getting LASIK before your eyes are done growing could significantly affect your results. You don’t want to go through LASIK only to have your vision change within a few years.
While the FDA has approved LASIK for those over eighteen, many eye doctors will wait longer. Most people’s eyes aren’t finished developing until they are in their early to mid-twenties.
Being in good physical health is as important to LASIK’s success as any other surgery. After LASIK, you will need to go through a recovery period.
Recovering from LASIK is not nearly as difficult as other surgeries, but it is still important to reduce the risk of complications. Health conditions such as diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, and HIV/AIDs affect your body’s immune system.
Without functioning immune support, recovering from LASIK could be much more complicated. Your eyes will need to be in good shape as well.
Chronic issues like dry eye syndrome or eye infections will need to be taken care of before you can get LASIK. The same goes for eye injuries.
LASIK involves altering the shape of the cornea to correct your natural refractive error. Normal corneas can support LASIK, but some people have naturally thin corneas.
If you have corneas that are too thin, you will not be able to get LASIK. During LASIK, your eye doctor will create a flap in the front surface of the cornea in order to reach the inner layers of the cornea to alter the shape.
Having thin corneas will ultimately prevent you from getting LASIK.
However, there are other options to consider besides LASIK.
There are plenty of surgical alternatives that have results just as successful as LASIK. PRK is a common substitute for people with thin corneas.
You may go through periods in your life where your vision is unstable. Pregnancy hormones, for example, can alter your vision very quickly.
You may need to wait up to six months after you have finished nursing for your hormones and vision to stabilize. Your prescription needs to remain stable for at least an entire year to be stable enough for LASIK.
If your LASIK surgeon performs LASIK with incorrect measurements, the results won’t be permanent or accurate. For this reason, it is best to wait until your vision is stable prior to having LASIK.
Are you interested in learning if you may be a candidate for LASIK? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Missouri Eye Institute in Springfield, MO, today!
1531 E Bradford Parkway Ste 100
Springfield, MO 65804
1000 James F. Epps Rd Ste 2
Branson, MO 65616
4500 E 32nd St
Joplin, MO 64804