Posted by: Missouri Eye Institute in Blog on July 12, 2021
Man, do we love summer!
You know what else loves summer? Germs.
In addition to loads more pollen and dust particles floating on the winds, the soaring mercury and mugginess of the summer months also fuel the growth of bacteria and germs that can give rise to infections and contagious diseases.
Washing your hands frequently has always been one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria to the eyes and other mucous membranes. But you’ll want to add a few extra habits to your hygiene to keep the heat from wreaking misery upon you in other ways.
To keep your eyes in good health so you can fully enjoy the season, here are our top three summer safety tips and why they’re especially important for eye comfort this summer:
1. Water, water everywhere.
Never leave home without it. Needless to say, drinking plenty of nonalcoholic liquids will do wonders, keeping you comfortable and alert when temperatures spike. Spritz your face, neck, arms and legs with cool water on those hot days; the dissipation of moisture from your skin is your body’s best cooling mechanism.
Your eyes also benefit from generous sipping because a well-hydrated body means well-hydrated eyes. Your body must take in an adequate amount of water every day for the eyes to produce adequate tears; adequate tears are your body’s natural way of clearing away dust, debris and pollens that can cause itchy, bloodshot allergy eyes.
2. Abating the irritating.
Even if you’re watering your eyes from the inside, they may need a little extra help from time to time. Summer is one of those times because tree pollens are abundant and dried-out land produces lots of annoying dust that, of course, seems to beeline right for your eyeballs.
First, do not rub your eyes. Ever. Rubbing can cause microabrasions that will only exacerbate the irritation. Instead, flush out irritants with saline, allergy drops or clean water from that water bottle you’re going to start carrying with you everywhere you go. If necessary, wipe the outside of your eyes with a damp cloth.
3. Throwing shade.
Protect your eyeballs from cataracts, macular degeneration and other damage—and look good doing it. Just as your skin gets damaged from sun exposure, so do your eye tissues. So, throw on a stylish pair of mirrored aviators with full UV protection every time you leave the house.
Give yourself bonus points if you completed your ensemble with a wide-brimmed hat for added sunshade. You’re looking smart in more ways than one!
For anyone interested in crisp, clear vision without the dust-trapping contact lenses or the pricey prescription sunglasses, Modern LASIK may be a great option! You can schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a Missouri Eye Institute doctor to find out if you qualify.
Missouri Eye Institute has helped thousands of patients attain freedom from glasses and contact lenses. Contact us at (800) 383-3831 to schedule a vision correction consultation or visit MissouriEye.com to learn more about our services.
Tags: eye health Springfield
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