What to Expect / FAQs

What to Expect Before and After LASIK Eye Surgery and Laser Vision Correction Procedures

You’ve made the important decision to have LASIK eye surgery and improve your quality of life! We’re excited that you’ve chosen Missouri Eye Institute as your vision correction provider of choice. This will be a very memorable milestone in your life; you have our commitment to making this experience as pleasant and satisfactory as possible.

Frequently asked questions about LASIK procedures:

  • You’ve been thoroughly examined at Missouri Eye Institute and received approval for surgery.
  • You know how you’re going to finance the cost of LASIK.
  • Now, you may schedule while you are in the office or call us later to schedule your procedure. We appreciate your patience in understanding it may take 3 to 4 weeks before we have an open surgery appointment.
  • Upon scheduling, you will receive a packet of pre-operative instructions.

Thoroughly review your pre-operative instructions as all patients are given unique instructions, In general, however, be aware of the following:

  • If you wear rigid gas permeable contact lenses, you should not wear them for several weeks prior.
  • Other types of contact lenses shouldn’t be worn for at least several days prior to surgery.
  • Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you directly home after your LASIK procedure.

On the day or your appointment:

  • Bring your eyeglasses to your surgical appointment so your prescription can be reviewed.
  • Eat a light meal before your appointment and take all of your prescribed medications.
  • On the day or your appointment, do not wear makeup, hair accessories or jewelry.
  • Plan to be with us for approximately two hours. While the LASIK procedure itself takes about 15 minutes, we will need to discuss expectations and instructions post-surgery, prepare you for the procedure, and conduct an examination and give you ample time to ask questions before dismissal.
  • Eye drop anesthesia is used to numb the eye prior to the procedure and patients experience virtually no discomfort.
  • You will have improved vision immediately after your procedure.

Prior to surgery we will discuss what to expect after surgery and your post-surgery instructions. If you need another copy of these instructions or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call your referring optometrist or us at 1-800-383-3831. In general, you should be aware of the following:

  • Plan to nap upon arriving home or resting with your eyes closed.
  • After several hours, you will begin using eye drops as directed by your surgeon.
  • Plan to restrict reading, computer work and TV-viewing activities for the first 24 hours.
  • Many patients can go back to work the next day.
  • Any symptoms such as itching or sensitivity to light will improve considerably within the first few days.
  • After a follow-up appointment with and approval by your ophthalmologist or optometrist, you may return to normal activity.

If you have questions or concerns – at any time – call your referring optometrist or Missouri Eye Institute at 800-383-3831.


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1531 E Bradford Parkway Ste 100
Springfield, MO 65804


1000 James F. Epps Rd Ste 2
Branson, MO 65616


4500 E 32nd St
Joplin, MO 64804


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